first one is a a pretty good clip, despite the rubber and the chunky girl, since the guy both adores her and knows how to dominate her properly. He knows exactly what he wants, and like all true Thai women, she is honored to give it to him. She is so happy to make him cum! The second clip shows a classic TYhai relationship scenario. The guy's girlfriend brings him one of her inferior girlfriends to fuck, so he'll have variety and stay with her longer, so she can gain face with her girlfriends by sharing an excellent lover with them, and so she can show her dominance over her friends. Notice how she only fucks the boyfriend with a rubber, doubtless afraid fo her reputation if he impregnated her, but she allows him to fuck her friend without one, again showing dominance over her, and giving her boyfriend what he wants...bareback. Love practical Thai women! This occurred with about 20% of my Thai gfirlfriends.
Thanks for Sharing!